
During our Healings we use a variety of methods to assist you in the Healing Process. Psychic and Mediumship readings are a form of healing and for some people very successful at helping them through life’s events.

For this article I focus on other methods – Vibralite, Spiritual Energy Hands on or off, Medical Intuition, Quantum Healing, Heart Energy Healing.

Vibralite Healing

Every part of your being operates at its own optimum frequency, and when that frequency is maintained, it promotes healing and wellbeing. Vibralite generates the optimum frequencies, energetically and naturally, straight from the Universe. It targets the areas that need healing, causing them to vibrate at their own natural frequency, and this continues for several days.

This sustained vibration restores natural equilibrium, releases deep set blocks, and gives healing on a very deep level. It is holistic, and infuses into all levels of your being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Vibralite is an intuitive and intelligent energy, so knows exactly what frequencies and healing is needed for each person or situation and where to send them. Vibralite energy is available the moment it is called upon and can be given in an instant.